Where to Find Us:

Pete Zucker Foundation:


Mailing Address:

1 Country Oak Lane

Alamo, CA. 94507



Leslie Knight

Phone: 925 200-3572


Email us at: petezuckerfoundation@gmail.com


The Pete Zucker Foundation is a non-profit organization

EIN # 35-2454573

Donate Today!


To contribute stock or other securities, please provide the following to your broker or custodian:
Charles Schwab & Co.
DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40
FBO:  Pete Zucker Foundation
Account # 3311-1924


Your donation will go to research and awareness.  

ALS TDI - ALS Therapy Development Institute.  ALS TDI is the number one nonprofit biotechnology organiazation dedicated to developing effective treatments for ALS.  At ALS TDI, their one urgently important goal: to end ALS.

A portion of your donation will go towards awareness.  Spreading knowledge of this terrible disease will help us find a cure.


The Pete Zucker Foundation is staffed 100% by volunteers.